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Home 5 Accreditation

Georgia Association
of Christian Schools

Cherokee Christian Schools (Primary and Secondary) are fully accredited by the Georgia Association of Christian Schools (GACS).

GACS was organized in 1970 and incorporated in 1976. Its mission is to promote and support the development of quality Christian education in the state of Georgia and develop Christian character in students by providing member schools with programs that are conducive to mental, moral, spiritual, aesthetic, and physical development.

The GACS accreditation process is an objective, thorough means of evaluating a Christian school’s educational procedures and providing counsel from experienced Christian educators. It also helps the school identify any weaknesses in its programs and formulates suggestions on how these areas can be strengthened. In this way, accreditation should assist a Christian school in improving its educational program. GACS is committed to helping member schools produce desirable results.

GACS is also a founding member of The Georgia Private School Accreditation Council (GAPSAC), an association of accrediting organizations. GAPSAC is primarily focused on the accreditation of affliated non-public elementary and secondary schools in Georgia.  Through GAPSAC, the accreditation program of GACS has been recognized and approved by the following Georgia state boards and authorities:

  • The Georgia Board of Education
  • The Georgia Board of Regents
  • The Georgia Student Finance Authority (HOPE Scholarship)