Director of Admissions & School Culture
The 2022-2023 school year is off to an exciting start across the CCS campus. Teachers and students are settling into daily routines, and new relationships are being cultivated in classrooms, around lunch tables, and on the playground. Mr. Charles, our new security officer, is getting acquainted with everyone as he makes his rounds through the buildings, and carpool seems to be running a little bit better every day.
Our chaplain, Brian Irby, kicked off our first chapel of the year last week with some worshipful music and a very helpful, introductory message on The Purpose of Chapel. He will be teaching through the Gospel of John this year, so we are looking forward to learning about the life and ministry of Christ as recorded by this beloved disciple.
The Secondary School students enjoyed their first House Day last Friday. Coach Rogers did a fantastic job planning a fun afternoon for everyone. The students voted on their house names and selected house leaders. House members competed in a very humorous (and messy) food relay, a creative cardboard ship relay, and a rather intense game of balloon tag. It was encouraging to see such a tremendous amount of energy and enthusiasm among the students. After the points were tallied, the Purple Orangutans took the lead with 55 points, followed closely by the Yellow Monkeys and Blue Dinos. The next House Day is on the calendar for Friday, September 16th.
One of my goals for this school year is to provide new avenues for cultivating stronger covenant relationships and engagement with our school parents. My hope is that parents will participate in the school community in ways that are meaningful, fruitful, and productive. Plans are underway to host a New Parent Coffee Fellowship, a Men’s Prayer Breakfast, and a book study for moms. We are also working toward a parent engagement meeting to foster more robust fellowship and collaboration as partners in Christian education. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.
I will also be devoting a lot of time and attention to student and campus life. We want to create intentional programs that promote a full and rich student experience at all grade levels. We are currently adding events to the school calendar that will provide memorable opportunities for fellowship and enhance overall student development.
As the Director of Admissions and School Culture, I’m incredibly grateful to see a renewed sense of excitement and purpose around campus. While the work is hard and the days can be long, I am committed to making sure our faculty and staff consistently embody the attitudes, mission, and practices of Christ so that our school can be a soul-refreshing experience for all our students. I pray that we would be ever mindful of the amazing privilege we have to be a part of God’s redeeming work on this campus.